Loving Life

Life is a gift hence I'm thankful for it. Life is a journey therefore I keep walking it.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Maundy Thursday: The Night of Agony

He knew that he was going to die tomorrow. He knew that he was going to be prosecuted. He knew he was going to suffer. He knew he was going to be betrayed by someone closed to Him.
He was in pain. He was in great pain. Even before He was crowned, before He was whipped, before He carried the heavy cross. He was in pain, in tears, in agony. 
He, the son of God, is human too. He has feelings too. He was afraid too.

But His love, to His Father, to all human in the world is greater than His pain.
It's the only way. He knew this. His love, His perseverance, His humble heart allowed Him to keep going with His mission in this world.

It's hard to swallow your pride. To just be silent in order to allow peace (yes sometimes it's better not to argue and let it go). To acknowledge that you can't do it with your own strength. To kneel down and serve people who you probably look down.

But we have to learn. It's not easy, no one says it's easy. But life is never ending learning process anyway.