Loving Life

Life is a gift hence I'm thankful for it. Life is a journey therefore I keep walking it.

Monday, 31 December 2012



Without I realize it, we've reached the end of 2012. I still remember that at first I thought that this year would be a long one since I didn't really have any plan except the Indo trip in Sep'12 for my friends' wedding. But now, looking back what I've been through this year, it's been quite interesting year:

January: back from Indo with acute homesick. Bathroom was renovated, tasting the life of suburbians.

February: First time visiting Chaddy after 1.5 years in Melbourne.

March: Turning to 27! Eva was going back for good. Lovely visit from Wawa (finally!). First time watching Moonlight Cinema. Melbourne Flower Festival.

April: Meeting up Nike in Melbourne! Meeting up the triple W (Wilson,Widya, Westin).

May: lovely visit from Dita and Acing. First time visiting Macedon Ranges. Finally bought myself a new laptop!

June: lovely visit from Anes & Tius.

July: lovely visit from my parents, Kotos & Tajie. First time visiting Great Ocean Road & Eureka Tower. Melbourne Open House.

August: Winter night market. Learn how to use Lightroom.

September: Indo trip for Dita's wedding.

October: Surabaya! Back to Melbourne but left my heart in Indo. TeKheng is in the house! Maroon 5 Concert.

November: Tasmania (oh how I love Hobart & MONA). Coldplay concert. Colour Run.

December: trip to Sydney for Irene's wedding (had a wonderful time there). Lala's wedding. The Idea of North Christmas concert. First time cherry & strawberry picking. Anna's wedding that unfortunately I can't attend. Christmas dinner. First time Christmas by myself in Melbourne. Venus bay: first time visiting there & christmas by the beach. 

I can only say that I've been blessed and I am grateful for everything that I've been through this year. And in 2.5 hours, let us welcome the new year with open heart and a big smile. Thanks 2012. Hello 2013!

New year, new adventure, new hope, new blessings.


Saturday, 15 December 2012

Celoteh 10: days of our life

These pas few weeks have been a rollercoaster ride for me. But then again, that's life. Enough said, yes that's life.
In these past 3 days, somehow, I learn lots of things. They are not new things. I've been reminded of lots of simple things. 

I'm currently down at work as I have to fix a problem.  A problem that I created myself. On how I could do that, I don't know. I really don't know. Now that I'm looking at the situation, I even wonder myself, why I decided those things. But what matters most now is how to fix it. Then I learn to be more patient. Compose myself. Re-organize things. And focus more on how to fix it. I'm on my way there.

I'm so grateful that I have friends and family surrounding me. Even though my sister is currently in Indo and living by myself can be so lonely, I'm grateful that God always have His way to cheer me up. Through friends and family and music. I'm grateful for the technology hence I can communicate with my family easily. I'm grateful for my friends, we look after each other. Being away from family, your friends here become your family. And I almost forgot how much joy I can get from music. Singing & dancing, not that I'm a pro of any of them. Enough to entertain myself :p

And most of all, I learn again to give thanks for everything. Start and close my day with giving thanks. Last night I gave thanks for God's protection throughout my Saturday. That I can arrive home safely after watching the concert. For the opportunity to watch The Idea of North's concert and reminded on how beautiful it is having music in my life. For a friend of my sis who had accompanied me all day yesterday. For the opportunity to go to the church and being reminded again of giving thanks. For all meals that I had yesterday. And if I want to keep listing it, this post will have no end haha

And this morning I'm grateful that I've been given one more day to hopefully be a better person. I'm grateful that this day has come for my beautiful friends, Melie & Geta, to be united for life. Yes they are getting married today : ))  May God bless their  wedding day and their marriage life. And hope they can cherish every moments despite of all turbulences that they face (I know they can). Congratulations my dear friends! I'm grateful for our friendships. 

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Celoteh 9: Hey Mr. Taxi!

Yes, saya kembali berceloteh. Jadi begini, sejak tinggal di Melbourne saya tuh jarang banget naik taxi. Palingan cuma kalau or dari airport soalnya seperti biasa bawaan saya selalu banyak dan ribet.
Tapi almost always pas naik taxi, ada aja obrolan or pengalaman yg menarik sama tuh Mr. Taxi.
Ada beberapa yang akan saya ceritakan di sini. Ready?

Yang pertama, saya mulai yang dari paling recent. Waktu itu saya lembur sampai around 7:30PM. Saya udah terlanjur janji sama colleague saya untuk pulang naik taxi. Padahal biasanya saya jalan kaki or kalau abis lembur ya naik tram. Tapi colleague saya yang satu ini memang care sama saya, and dia yang parno kalo saya pulang malam. Dia sampe blg, "Marcella, please please please, do me a favour, get a cab!" hahaha Ya uda deh, saya janji and berusaha menepati daripada kualat. And  so datanglah taxi-nya. As usual tentunya ditanya mau pergi ke mana. Then dia tanya, apa pekerjaan saya. Saya bilang assistant accountant. Then dia tanya, company apa? Saya bilang, dairy industry. Saya jelasin dikit kalo companynya sort of jd middle person, buy the milk from farmers then sell it to business. Dan mulailah dia dari situ berceloteh. Katanya: taukah kamu kalo most of the milks now is not fresh milk? Company kamu masih beneran ambil real milk? Saya bilang, setau saya ya iya. Dia then bercerita, most of dairy products are not using real milk now. That Mc**n**ds milkshake, do you know the percentage of milk that they are using? It's zero! It's all chemical there. Udah gitu dia berceloteh ttg apa yg ada di dalam milk. Kata dia, di dlm susu tuh ada zat yang bisa membuat kita addicted. Di susu ibu pun ada tapi kadarnya tidak setinggi di susu sapi. Mungkin salah satu tujuan zatnya adalah untuk membuat sang anak tetep mau deket and kembali ke ibunya. Di susu sapi, kadar zat ini jauh lebih tinggi. Dan tentunya this is intended buat tuh anak sapi. Makanya harusnya manusia tidak minum susu sapi. And tidak makan dairy products. Contohnya cheese, bisa membuat anda ketagihan kan? Saya cuma bisa ngangguk-ngangguk karena malam itu saya sebenarnya uda gak bisa mikir lagi, udah mumet haha Dan saya memang suka cheese, jadi cuma bisa bilang: "oh really? wow no wonder i love cheese!" Dan dia tambah menggebu-gebu berceloteh. Sekarang dia tiba-tiba mengangkat botol salah satu soft drink (P*ps*). Dia mulai lagi, I drink this. I know this is not healthy. Kamu tau apa kandungannya? Chemical! Those diets products contain more sweetener. And sweetener itu jahat buat kamu karena salah satu kandungannya bisa membuat otak kamu berpikir kalo kamu belum kenyang. Itulah mengapa orang-orang Amerika gede-gede badannya. Karena mereka mengkonsumsi banyak chemical and sweetener and they think that they are hungry so they keep eating every couple hours! Kalo kamu ada internet di rumah, coba deh ketik additives 570 and 572. Kamu bisa baca-baca apa aja di dalamnya dan efek-efeknya. No wonder orang-orang jaman sekarang penyakitan. Gak cuma karena konsumsi in terms of makanan, tapi apa yang ada di kehidupan sehari-harinya tuh uda ga bener. Your mobile phone! Itu radiasinya gede. Bisa memancarkan cahaya yang mungkin seterang lampu ini (sambil nyalain lampu dalam taksi). No, I'm wrong, bisa lebih terang daripada ini. Bayangin, orang-orang telepon berjam-jam using their mobil, sama aja kayak otak kamu di xray terus-terusan, menimbulkan efek radiasi! Kamu tau kenapa orang-orang Jepang umur panjang dan badannya kecil-kecil? I answered, they eat healthy food, mainly fish. Dia jawab, bukan cuma itu. They eat in moderate portion. When they eat meat, they only eat in small tiny portion. Why? Karena jaman dulu, meat was very very expensive. That's why they eat more vegies and just small portion of meat. Dulu pas jaman menderita, daging mahal, mereka makannya begitu dan jadi terbawa jadi lifestyle. Coba kamu liat orang-orang cina, dulu badannya masi pada kecil-kecil. Sekarang mereka tambah kaya, tambah ikutin western/US style, mulai ancur pola makannya. Jadi gede-gede juga. Dan sampailah saya di jalan tempat tinggal saya. Wow that's quite full on information for around 15 minutes ride. I paid the fare, I thanked him for all the interesting infos, and i said to him: i'm going to google those food additives. He replied back: u know what's the most dangerous one? MSG, and you can find them a lot in Chinatown! I laughed and replied, yes I know that and totally agree! haha That's the end of our convo. Then I was thinking, is he probably a post graduate student in food chemistry? He surely is very passionate talking about food contents. 

Yang kedua, saya September lalu harus balik ke Jakarta and since my flight was quite early and I like to arrive early at airport, so I booked a taxi. Kali ini tentunya dia tau saya mau ke airport, cuma tanya international or domestic flights. Saya jawab, International. Mas Taxi yang ini mulainya berceloteh tentang how easy it is now to get a flight to anywhere. And with many competitions now, the price is getting cheaper. Saya bilang, iya kalo mau ke sydney, bisa compare 4 airlines sekaligus. Terus dia bilang, benernya bisa juga naik train. Kamu pernah gak naik train ke sydney? Dia cerita pas dulu dia masi muda pernah dengan randomnya pergi ke sydney only for a day. Lagi bosen sama temen-temennya then dia cek train to sydney eh masi ada tiket and since pas on the day apparently didiskon. Jadi mereka langsung beli then took overnight train to Sydney. Dia bilang kalau kamu rame-rame enakan naik train, get the experience. Saya jadi inget salah satu iklan di indo, "asiknya, rame-rame!"  hehehe then dia cerita lagi, sekarang kalo ke London juga banyak pilihan. Dulu katanya dia pernah 3 minggu ke London, 2 minggu pertama dia kerjaannya cuma naik bus tiap hari. Duduk yang di lantai atas and liat-liat. "I just want to feel it", katanya. Tiap hari, do the same thing. Naik double decker bus, duduk di atas, then keliling liatin jalan-jalannya, orang-orangnya, ingetin rute-rutenya. Then entah kenapa dari situ jadi ngebahas soal Permanent Residency. I guess gara-gara dia tanya saya kerja apa and dulu ambil belajarnya apa. Then kita jadi ngebahas tentang susahnya sekarang untuk dapet PR. Dia cerita salah satu kenalannya dulu pertama ambil hairdressing karena itu yg diadvertised sama education agentnya back in his hometown. Dia dari Pakistan. Then setelah kelar hairdressing ternyata pointnya belum cukup. Orang itu lalu lanjut ambil kuliah bisnis, sambil kerja part time di aged care gitu. Ternyata dia tertarik, jadinya dia ambil nursing. Lalu lanjut jadi dokter. Sekarang udah jadi dokter and making good money and tentunya uda PR even jadi citizen sini. Wow that's a really long way! Dia juga cerita kalo dia pernah anterin satu mahasiswi Cina. Anak itu kuliah biological engineering padahal dia gak suka. Tapi orang tuanya suruh dia ambil jurusan itu. Udah gitu tuh anak kerjaannya cuma kuliah dan kerja part time. Keliatan stress gitu. Jadinya mas taxinya nasehatin tuh anak, "cobalah spare some time for yourself. Go out on weekend. Find friends. You are still young, don't just study & work hard. Go and experience and have fun! Find a boyfriend!" Somehow saya jadi tertegur karena saya memang gak bergaul sejak tinggal di Melbourne. And jadinya ya kadang suka stress sendiri hehehe  Mungkin memang uda jalannya saya diketemukan sama tuh supir taksi supaya saya juga ditegur. Ditegur supaya lebih bergaul, supaya travelling a lot more and get experiences. Dan mungkin teguran utamanya: find a boyfriend! hehehehehehe lalu kita jadi ngebahas ttg makin banyaknya orang yg depressed. Dia cerita: dulu dia pernah jatuh cinta sama 1 cewe. Sama-sama orang Pakistan. Mereka uda deket banget and dia sayang banget ke cewe ini. Then ceritanya after lulus sekolah dia balik ke Pakistan for 2 weeks. Dia uda promised himself kalo dia mau "nembak" neh cewek pas dia balik ke Melbourne. Eh pas dia balik he couldn't find her. Pas dia tanya-tanya ke teman-teman mereka ternyata this girl had committed suicide. Penyebabnya adalah karena tiba-tiba cewek ini dikasi surat dari imigrasi kalo dia mesti keluar dari Australia. Cewek ini langsung stress banget then decided to commit suicide. Dia ya very upset and sedih. Selain karena it's the girl that he loved, dia juga nyesel kenapa segitu mudahnya wasting her life? Tentunya kalo mau diusahakan, akan ada jalannya. Dan dia bisa aja sponsorin cewe itu. Dia juga sempet ikutan down banget. But come on, it's just like wasting your life. His story reminded me about when I was depressed. Spring last year. Tentunya pikiran saya gak sependek itu. But thanks to his story, I was reminded not to waste my life! 

The third one, my last story as this post is getting longer than I thought. Sometimes last year  ada company dinner and since I stayed til late, I was thinking to just taking cab instead of tram. It was almost midnight around Crown Casino. My colleague and I decided to grab the cab from the hotel lobby. Mulainya tentunya obrolan yang standard: has it been busy today? etc. Then dia nebak whether saya dari Indonesia. He catched it from the accent. Is it that obvious? But he said I don't look like Indonesian. Nah lho? Then dia bilang he reckons dia pernah nganterin saya beberapa kali. Saya bilang, oh ya? Masa sih? Dia bilang, yes, you might not remember but I have good memory. Tentunya saya ga inget tapi saya almost ga pernah naik taxi gitu lho. Intinya ujung-ujungnya dia flirting! Ciah si mas, bisa aja lho! Malem-malem flirting! 
Mulai dari MSG to depression to flirting... I wonder what's next!

Monday, 21 May 2012

Postcards: LA

Yes I can't decide which one should I call the postcard from LA, so I upload these two pics. They look similar and yes they are in the same location. The first one shows you the real beauty queen of Hollywood. And the second one gives you a glimpse of city of angels.
Location: Hollywood Hills. Early January 2012, just couple hours before heading to airport for our flight back to Jakarta.